TheDM556 is a versatility fully digital stepping drive based on a DSP withadvanced control algorithm. It brings a unique level of system smoothness,providing optimum torque and nulls mid-range instability. The Self-test andauto-configuration technology offers optimum responses with different motorsand easy-to-use. The driven motors can run with much smaller noise, lowerheating, smoother movement than most of the drives in the markets. Its uniquefeatures make the DM556 an ideal solution for applications that requirelow-speed smoothness.
Suitablefor a wide range of stepping motors, from NEMA size 17 to 43. It can be used invarious kinds of machines, such as X-Y tables, labeling machines, lasercutters, engraving machines, pick-place devices, and so on. Particularly adaptto the applications desired with low noise, low heating, high speed and highprecision.